#findingtheway: The reasonableness of faith

Faith is not a leap in the dark. At its simplest, it involves placing your confidence in someone else. We place our faith in drivers we don’t know every time we use a zebra crossing – relying on them to uphold the rules of the road and stay stopped until we cross over. We place our faith in our employers every time we turn up to work – it’s an expression of confidence in them to pay us at the end of the month for the work we have done up until that point. In a Biblical context, faith means taking God at His word. Many people wrongly think that this involves intellectual suicide, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The God of the Bible who calls us to place our confidence in Him has given us reasonable grounds for doing so in His book. One feature of the Bible that demonstrates its Author is worthy of our trust is its many fulfilled prophecies. Humans’ inability to tell the future is well documented; and no surprise, for this, Isaiah tells us, is something God has reserved for Himself:

“Present your case,” says the LORD…declare to us things to come. Show the things that are to come hereafter, That we may know that you [are] gods…(Isaiah 41:21-23)

This week our blog will focus on some of the prophecies fulfilled by the person at the centre of the Bible: Jesus Christ. Each day we plan to look at a plain prediction made about His birth, His life, His death, His burial and then His resurrection.

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