Early 20th Century
The history of this local church can be traced back over a century, although not always at the current location. In 1902 a group of Christians began to meet in Wilton Street where they established an independent local church based simply on New Testament principles. They called their building “Hebron Hall”, Hebron being a biblical place name which was associated with the worship of God. This was no doubt a poignant reminder in the years that would follow – of two world wars and acute social depression – that in a turbulent world, only the Lord Jesus Christ whom they worshiped stays the same.
Mid 20th Century
In March 1958, a similar Christian Church which met in Eastpark Gospel Hall, Avenuepark Street, amalgamated with the Christians who met at Wilton Street. However, several years later the need to move from the Wilton Street building became apparent. The solution to the problem was to completely renovate the Avenuepark Street building. After seven months of hard effort, the renovated building was opened in October 1961.
Early 21st Century
The Avenuepark Street building was retained until it too required serious structural attention. It was completely demolished and a brand new building was erected. It was opened in 2002 – 100 years after the group of Christians began to meet in Wilton Street! During the construction phase the Church relocated to the local community centre on Sundays and to a local primary school for their midweek meeting – this was a good opportunity to remind ourselves that the Church is composed not of bricks and plaster, but people.
Today the Church which meets in the Gospel Hall is nothing more than what our forebears were – a company of Christians gathering together as we find it in the New Testament. We come from different countries and backgrounds, we do different jobs, we have different abilities, some are young some are old, but we have one thing in common – belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, and a desire to show this by living out His words.
- 2002: Outside the current building on Avenuepark Street
- 2002: Inside the current building on Avenuepark Street.
- 1961: The newly renovated building on Avenuepark Street
- 1961: Inside the newly renovated building on Avenuepark Street