Finding the Way – 3

The Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life”. Where is He the way to?

Language that describes life as a journey, or a path, or a way, is frequent in the Bible. One of its effects it to provide a sobering reminder that life is a one way street – we’re born, we live, we die. But it is also used to describe how we live. Take one example which starkly warns of the consequences of living in the, “it’s right for me, so it’s right” mind set:

“There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs chapter 14 verse 12).

Then again, Christ summed up all of humanity using two roads (Matthew chapter 7 verse 13-14). One is broad, indicating it is popular, easy to travel along, and no doubt enjoyable – but it leads to destruction. The narrow road on the other hand is not so popular, not so easy, but it leads to life. The point is clear, there are two ways to live. If we want to face God’s judgment: do nothing, just go with the flow all around. But if we want life – then there is only one way, and don’t expect it to be either easy or popular.

Christ actually answered the question we are asking, because after declaring that He is the way, He went on to say, “No one comes to the Father except through me”. Don’t miss what He is claiming here – He is saying there is only one way to God, and it is through Him. It’s not through being good enough for God, we can’t be. It’s not through doing enough for God, we can’t. It’s not possible to come to the Father through someone else, there is no one else. If you want to get to God, then the way to get there is not a road to walk on, but a person to believe in. And that person is God’s Son Jesus Christ – whose death to provide forgiveness for sinners made the way: “there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy chapter 2 verse 5).

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