Toughness and tenderness. We might consider these characteristics mutually exclusive. Would someone known only for their toughness be your first choice for a shoulder to cry over? Similarly, someone known only for their tenderness is hardly the person to have by your side when facing imminent danger. In the Bible, shepherds are portrayed as combining both these qualities – the toughness to fight off wild animals, yet the tenderness to care for young lambs. The Lord Jesus significantly identified Himself as the “Good Shepherd”. He displayed not just the inherent strength of the mighty creator, but also an unfathomable shepherd-like strength, seen in His willingness to endure suffering to save others (John 10:11). All who receive Him come into the good of His shepherd care, meaning, among other things, the guarantee of eternal safety (John 10:27-29), and vital nourishment for our souls as we feed on His word by reading the Bible.
Who do you say I am? Shepherd
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