Who do you say that I am? Judge

We all love praise. Personally it tends to put a spring in my step for the rest of the day. Criticism, on the other hand, is hard to swallow. Typically it triggers a “not justified” initial reaction, with fair minded reflection taking a somewhat longer period to arrive at.
For sure, the most significant review we will ever receive is when our time comes to be assessed by God. This is a day we should all ponder solemnly. The principle that will be applied is perfect fairness (Romans 2:5-9). Nothing will be exempted from the scrutiny, even the secrets of our heart will be out in the open. And no one will be able to say they were treated in an undeserved way. Now consider this: if we’re conscious that we regularly fall short of even our own standards, how can we possibly hope to scrape by, and be accepted into God’s favour on that day?
The Bible repeatedly identifies Jesus Christ as the Judge (John 5:22, 2 Tim 4:1). And herein lies the glory of the Gospel: the One who is Judge of all, is first offered to all as the only Saviour who can remove our sins and provide us perfect acceptance with God.

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