The motto of Abertay University

Abertay University in Dundee, like most universities, has its motto written in ancient
Latin. This is perhaps surprising for Abertay which is a modern university, one of the
youngest in Scotland. It has had a long history, however, beginning in 1888 as
Dundee Technical Institute. It moved to its current site in Bell Street in1911, became
Dundee Institute of Art and Technology in 1933, and given university status in 1994.

Through all of its history and development, its mission has matched its motto:
Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam – which means “Blessed is the one who
finds wisdom”. This is actually a quote from the Holy Bible (as are the mottos of
many universities). You can find it in the Old Testament Book of Proverbs chapter 3
verse 13. “Blessed” means “truly and ethically happy”. It might describe that feeling
of achievement and celebration on graduation day, but there’s more to it than that. A
university education opens doors to success and prosperity which come from more
than the knowledge of facts and theories. It’s rather about knowing how to use and
apply what you know, about an attitude to life which is marked by “wisdom”.

Looking out on the world today you might think that wisdom is in short supply, with
countless problems for individuals, for nations, for us all. Advances in science and
technology have certainly been beneficial to society when applied correctly, but it
has also created problems, some of which persist while new ones crop up. You will
be able to name a few, many caused by selfishness and carelessness.

These are an evidence of something deeper which affects us all. The Bible calls it
sin, and it shows itself in many forms. The Bible also tells us that it will bring us
under the judgement of God unless it is forgiven. But how? God hates our sin but He
loves us – so much that He gave His Son Jesus Christ to take the penalty of our sin
when He died on a cross at Calvary. If we deliberately accept Him, putting our faith
and trust in Him, He will save us from our sin and its penalty. We will be forgiven.
God asks us to “repent and believe the Gospel”.

One day Jesus spoke about two men who built houses. In his wisdom, one chose to
build on a solid rock foundation. Foolishly the other man built on sand. In the great
storm which came along, one house stood fast. Predictably the other collapsed in
ruins. Jesus said that the wisdom which brings real blessedness is to build on the
solid foundation of what He offers to you today. If you find this wisdom you will be
really blessed. It will give security when life’s storms come along, and safety when
the storm of God’s judgement falls on the world.

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